Dragondoc's Den


Lockout Continues.

In a way it’s a good thing.  The basketball “classic” games being shown on TV are much better to watch than the product the NBA showcases these days.

Mark Cuban Can’t Let Go of the Trophy

Makes me wonder what else he does with championship trophy in hand…

Photo courtesy bustedcoverage.com

Catching Up

It’s been over a month since I’ve blogged, and boy have I missed it!  I’ve been so busy that I’ve seldom had enough time to gather my thoughts, much less type anything extended.  Even my weekly sentai show viewings have been skewed.

Anyway, some brief blurbs.

Dallas Mavericks win.  Normally I wouldn’t root for them, but hey, it’s Jason Kidd winning a championship!  If that’s not a story, what is?

Oh yeah, LeBron supposedly choking – that’s a story.  However, as much as I am turned off by his immaturity I recall that Jordan was also immature, Magic also had his regrettable moments (1981-82? whining against Paul Westhead?), Kobe had his publicity nightmare (we’ll never know if it was rape or not…honestly), and so on.  What’s important is bouncing back.

Also, before the finals I seem to remember LeBron blitzing the Bulls in game 5, leading a furious comeback.  Funny how people have forgotten that.

Hmmm, what else?

Much brouhaha about the RH Bill, as usual.  Unfortunately (or rather, fortunately for cyberspace) I’m in no mood to blog anymore about it.

Well, that’s it for now…

Rajon Rondo’s Courage

Here I am complaining about my slight bout with the flu. Then I see Rajon Rondo of the Boston Celtics dislocate his elbow. I’m like. WOW.

And he gets it popped back and goes on to play.
